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about us

Ulrich Ebert

Ulrich Ebert

The photographer. Ulrich started working as a photographer in 1984. He then set up his own location archive and founded Atelierhaus Location Service in 2000.
For many ideas he has delivered the right locations both nationally and internationally. His knowledge as a photographer is very helpful to him.
Because he knows exactly what is important and knows the needs of customers, photographers and creative people from his own experience.

Ralph Schucht

ralph schucht

The career changer. In 2001 Ralph started with location brokering and scouting, as well as photo production.
In 2002 he founded first-site-locations. Since then, he has provided a lot of locations from his own library, scouted many extraordinary locations and conducted successful productions.
Meanwhile, he knows every exciting spot in Hamburg and many others in Germany. And there are more every day. In addition, Ralph is a member of the board of the German Association of Locationscouts (BVL).

We love pictures

Sometimes it has to be faster, sometimes erverything changes on the way and every so often a small request becomes a great project.
Everything can happen. After all, the realisation of an idea or story is part of a creative process in which many things can and will still change.
And it was precisely this need for flexibility that Ulrich and Ralph wanted to do justice to.

The result? WE LOVE PICTURES. The online portal with an extensive location library, where customers can search for themselves and get inspired by lots of fascinating locations.
The idea that drives the two: everything from one source for a perfect picture or a convincing film.
For this purpose, the online portal is being developed and the archive extended constantly.